Function queries the CDEC site to obtain desired station data based on station, sensor number, duration code and start/end date. Use `cdec_datasets()` to view an updated list of all available data at a station.
cdec_query( station, sensor_num, dur_code, start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, tzone = "America/Los_Angeles" )
station | three letter identification for CDEC location (example "KWK", "SAC", "CCR") |
sensor_num | sensor number for the measure of interest. (example "20", "01", "25") |
dur_code | duration code for measure interval, "E", "H", "D", which correspong to Event, Hourly and Daily. |
start_date | date to start the query on. |
end_date | an optional date to end query on, defaults to current date. |
tzone | a time zone used. By default this is America/Los_Angeles, this accounts for daylight saving. |
data frame containing queried data from CDEC for a specific station, sensor, and date range
if (FALSE) { kwk_hourly_flows <- CDECRetrieve::cdec_query("KWK", "20", "H", "2017-01-01") ccr_hourly_temps <- CDECRetrieve::cdec_query("CCR", "25", "H", Sys.Date()) }