A dataset containing the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) in square feet per 1000 feet as a function of flow in cubic feet per second.




dataframe with 30 rows and 11 variables:


integer flow value in cubic feet per second


fall run spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet


late-fall run fry spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet


steelhead spawning WUA in square feet per 1000 feet


name of watershed


Central Valley Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation (CVFED) HEC-RAS hydraulic model refined for use in the NOAA-NMFS Winter Run Chinook Salmon life cycle model


The spawning WUA were derived from a FWS River2D model. The study is broken into several segments: Keswick to A.C.I.D. (3.5 mi), A.C.I.D. to Cow Creek (18.5 mi), Cow Creek to Battle Creek (8.5 mi), Battle Creek to Red Bluff (22.5 mi), and Red Bluff to Deer Creek (23.5 mi). The Upper Sacramento fall run spawning WUA values include the spawning that occurs in the Upper and Upper-mid Sacramento River (Keswick to Deer Creek). The Late-Fall Run, Winter Run, and Steelhead spawn from Keswick to Battle Creek. The A.C.I.D. boards are in April 1st - October 31st

Peak MigrationSpawning
Peak SpawningJuvenile EmergenceJuvenile Rearing
Late-Fall RunOct-AprDecJan-AprFeb-Mar
Apr-Jun7-13 mthsWinter RunDec-JulMarApr-Aug
May-JunJul-Oct5-10 mthsSpring RunMar-SepMay-Jun
Aug-OctMid-SepNov-Mar3-15 mthsFall RunJun-Dec
Sep-OctSep-DecOct-NovDec-Mar1-7 mths

Generalised life history Yoshinyama et al. 1998


#> # A tibble: 30 x 6 #> flow_cfs FR_spawn_WUA LFR_spawn_WUA ST_spawn_WUA WR_spawn_WUA watershed #> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> #> 1 3250 8554. 7945. 1998. 5321. Upper Sacrame… #> 2 3500 8757. 8204. 2035. 5627. Upper Sacrame… #> 3 3750 8940. 8330. 2041. 5881. Upper Sacrame… #> 4 4000 9069. 8395. 2025. 6111. Upper Sacrame… #> 5 4250 9082. 8429. 2009. 6350. Upper Sacrame… #> 6 4500 9193. 8423. 2005. 6580. Upper Sacrame… #> 7 4750 9312. 8375. 1999. 6796. Upper Sacrame… #> 8 5000 9282. 8310. 1997. 6982. Upper Sacrame… #> 9 5250 9299. 8229. 2003. 7126. Upper Sacrame… #> 10 5500 9254. 8120. 2008. 7278. Upper Sacrame… #> # ... with 20 more rows