Data used within the salmon population model that have a single value per watershed.
a dataframe with 31 rows and 15 variables
Model consistent ordering of watersheds
Name of watershed within CVPIA
Intial adult escapement used for the simulation
Boolean value: 1 if the watershed feeds into the South Delta
The proportion of hatchery fish spawning
Boolean value: 1 if the watershed can enter Sutter Bypass
Boolean value: 1 if the watershed can enter Yolo Bypass
Proportion of time from October to November in which the temperature is between 20°C and 25°C
Proportion of adults harvested from golden gate until they reach their natal shed
Estimated Probability of nests scoured
Estimated Probability of stranding early
Estimated Probability of stranding late
Estimated Probability of high predation during rearing
Number of contact points, estimated using PAD
Proportion natural spawners
Compiled by: James T. Peterson