Modeled Flow Data for the CVPIA SIT Model

This data package contains modeled flow and diversion data for each of the watersheds within the CVPIA SIT Salmon Life Cycle Model.


# install.packages("devtools")


This package provides flow related datasets to the cvpiaData package.

# datasets within the package
data(package = 'cvpiaFlow')

# explore CALSIM II modeled flow mapped to CVPIA tributaries metadata

About the Models

Output from the CALSIM II operational model is used to generate hydrologic inputs for the CVPIA Decision Support Model (DSM). CALSIM II is the model used to simulate California State Water Project (SWP) / Central Valley Project (CVP) operations. CALSIM II was developed in the Water Resource Integrated Modeling System (WRIMS model engine or WRIMS), a generalized water resources modeling system for evaluating operational alternatives of large, complex river basins.

The 2017 DSM uses the existing conditions simulation from the 2009 CalSim-II Draft SWP Delivery Reliability Studies 2009. The CALSIM II run is a Reclamation product used to replicate current operations for comparison with proposed adjustments under an ongoing Endangered Species Act consultation with the National Marine Fisheries Service.

A current NMFS Biological Opinion concluded that, as proposed, CVP and SWP operations were likely to jeopardize the continued existence of four federally- listed anadromous fish species:

  • Sacramento River winter-run Chinook salmon
  • Central Valley spring-run Chinook salmon
  • California Central Valley steelhead
  • Southern distinct population segment of the North American green sturgeon

This CALSIM II run was used as the basis of comparison for other potential operations that could offset impacts to listed species.

More information on CALSIM II
CALSIM II Schematic