A dataset containing the inflow, total diversions, and proportion diverted for the North and South Deltas.
dataframe with 972 rows and 11 variables:
C400 + C157, north delta inflow in cubic feet per second
C401B + C504 + C508 + C644, south delta inflow in cubic feet per second
north delta inflow in cubic meters per second
south delta inflow in cubic meters per second
D403A + D403B + D403C + D403D + D404, north delta diversions in cubic feet per second
D418 + D419 + D412 + D410 + D413 + D409B + D416 + D408_OR + D408_VC, south delta diversions in cubic feet per second
north delta diversions in cubic meters per second
south delta diversions in cubic meters per second
north delta diversions / north delta inflow
south delta diversions / south delta inflow
Data Wrangling: Sadie Gill
Node Selection: Mark Tompkins and Mike Urkov
CALSIM Model Output: Michael Wright
The inflow, diversions, and proportions diverted in the North and South Deltas are represented using 'FLOW-CHANNEL' and 'FLOW-DELIVERY' nodes from CALSIM II. The North Delta is defined as the area west of and including the Sacramento River below Freeport to Chips Island. The South Delta is defined as the area east of the Sacramento River below Freeport to Chips Island and the San Joaquin River below Vernalis. The nodes and calculation for each delta are outlined above.