This vignette describes the structure of provided datasets and the possibilities for joining these datasets for further analysis.


Four core datasets are provided: ff_returns, ff_watersheds, ff_fields, and ff_distances. The first three are spatial sf data frames while ff_distances is an ordinary tibble data frame.

dataset type unique id field description
ff_returns sf Point return_id Return point geometries, flow types, indirect flow distances, and downstream return_ids
ff_watersheds sf Polygon group_id Watershed geometries and return point return_ids
ff_fields sf Polygon unique_id Rice field geometries, areas, and watershed group_ids
ff_distances tbl_df unique_id Rice field distance calculation results

These four datasets are heirarchically nested and can be joined to each other using the indicated *_id fields in order to access all required data.

Finally, additional sf geometry layers are provided for basemap and context purposes. These are:

dataset type description
ff_streams sf Line Salmonid rearing streams
ff_canals sf Line Selected secondary canals that connect indirect return points to their downstream returns to fish-bearing streams
ff_wetdry sf Polygon Polygons indicating the “wet” and “dry” areas of the Sacramento Valley based on levee locations

Core datasets

Following are previews of the four core datasets

group_id huc10 watershed_name return_id geometry return_category area_ac volume_af
1802015901 1802015901 Honcut Creek 0 POLYGON ((6723475 2313975, … Lateral 3115.561 1298.150
1802015902 1802015902 Upper Feather River 14 POLYGON ((6693728 2351561, … Lateral NA NA
1802015903 1802015903 Hutchinson Creek-Reeds Creek 51 POLYGON ((6753204 2200420, … Direct 8174.540 3406.058
1802015904-N 1802015904 Gilsizer Slough-Snake River - Upper 58 POLYGON ((6668665 2188306, … Indirect 12433.635 5180.681
1802015905 1802015905 Lower Feather River 0 POLYGON ((6676057 2172657, … Lateral 18649.579 7770.658
return_name return_id water_sup ds_return_id ds_fbs_dist ds_fbs_name geometry return_direct area_ac volume_af
Sacramento River Deep Water Ship Channel 1 NA 1 0 North Delta POINT (6657346 1826703) Direct NA NA
Sankey Diversion 9 Natomas Cross Canal 9 0 Lower-mid Sacramento River POINT (6674516 2046342) Direct 3991.515 1663.131
Knights Landing Outfall Gates 10 Colusa Basin Drainage Canal 10 0 Lower-mid Sacramento River POINT (6640036 2053090) Direct 3777.347 1573.895
Rough and Ready Pumping Plant 11 NA 11 0 Lower-mid Sacramento River POINT (6620645 2075877) Direct 33662.693 14026.122
Drainage Pumping Plant RD 70 12 Unidentified 12 0 Upper-mid Sacramento River POINT (6600611 2151073) Direct 9478.328 3949.303
unique_id county elev_grp geometry group_id area_ac volume_af
1103539 Glenn 90 to 100 POLYGON ((6526707 2289953, … 1802010405 23.428379 9.7618244
1102849 Glenn 110 to 120 POLYGON ((6517766 2307611, … 1802010405 23.476331 9.7818048
1103353 Glenn 120 to 130 POLYGON ((6501679 2309168, … 1802010405 1.055052 0.4396049
1103425 Glenn 120 to 130 POLYGON ((6525986 2324730, … 1802010403 1.339829 0.5582621
1103546 Glenn 70 to 80 POLYGON ((6535820 2277869, … 1802010403 48.900074 20.3750307
unique_id return_id ds_fbs_dist return_dis totdist_ft totdist_mi fbs_name totrect_ft totrect_mi return_rec wet_dry
1103539 49 261359.3 41551.08 302910 57.36932 Lower-mid Sacramento River 313082 59.29583 51722.97 Dry
1102849 49 261359.3 60092.43 321452 60.88106 Lower-mid Sacramento River 338263 64.06496 76903.48 Dry
1103353 49 261359.3 69094.19 330454 62.58598 Lower-mid Sacramento River 356374 67.49508 95015.08 Dry
1103425 50 266763.1 69576.62 336340 63.70076 Lower-mid Sacramento River 347698 65.85189 80935.41 Dry
1103546 50 266763.1 21439.70 288203 54.58390 Lower-mid Sacramento River 291136 55.13939 24372.46 Dry

Example joins

Following are example procedures used to join the different datasets.

These example assume that the tidyverse stack and sf spatial library have been imported.


To access information about a watershed’s return flow, join the ff_watersheds dataset to the ff_returns dataset using return_id. Note that running dplyr::left_join on an sf object requires first converting it to an ordinary tibble using sf::st_drop_geometry().

watersheds_returns <- ff_watersheds |> 
  left_join(st_drop_geometry(ff_returns), by=join_by(return_id)) 

ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data=watersheds_returns, aes(fill=return_direct)) + 
  geom_sf_text(data=st_centroid(watersheds_returns), aes(label=return_id))

To access information about a rice field’s watershed, join the fields dataset to the watersheds dataset using group_id.

fields_watersheds <- ff_fields |> 
  left_join(st_drop_geometry(ff_watersheds), by=join_by(group_id))

ggplot() + geom_sf(data=fields_watersheds, aes(fill=watershed_name), color=NA)

To access information about a rice field’s return flow, first join the fields dataset to the watersheds dataset using group_id. Now that watershed information is joined, join to the returns dataset using return_id.

fields_returns <- ff_fields |> 
  left_join(st_drop_geometry(ff_watersheds), by=join_by(group_id)) |> 
  left_join(st_drop_geometry(ff_returns), by=join_by(return_id))

ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data=fields_returns, aes(fill=return_direct), color=NA)

To access the fields distance calculation results, simply join fields to distances on unique_id.

fields_distances <- ff_fields |> 
  left_join(ff_distances, by=join_by(unique_id))

ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data=fields_distances, aes(fill=totdist_mi), color=NA)

Basemap layers

The ff_streams and ff_canals layers display the geometries of the fish-bearing streams and secondary canals.

stream_id stream_name geometry
5 Big Chico Creek MULTILINESTRING ((6634944 2…
14 Stony Creek MULTILINESTRING ((6466284 2…
19 Feather River MULTILINESTRING ((6708213 2…
20 Yuba River MULTILINESTRING ((6765041 2…
23 American River MULTILINESTRING ((6784150 1…
canal_id canal_name geometry
9 Natomas Cross Canal LINESTRING (6695945 2064719…
9 Natomas Cross Canal LINESTRING (6695220 2064156…
10 Main Canal LINESTRING (6682739 2069936…
10 Main Canal LINESTRING (6682832 2069755…
11 Hunters Creek 2 Diversion Canal LINESTRING (6537828 2250408…

These are recommended to be plotted along with the return points, with corresponding coloration by Direct flow to fish-bearing ff_streams and Indirect flow to secondary ff_canals.

ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data=ff_streams, aes(color="Direct")) + 
  geom_sf(data=ff_canals, aes(color="Indirect")) + 
  geom_sf(data=ff_returns, aes(color=return_direct))

The ff_wetdry layer simply provides polygons outlining “wet” (river/floodway-exposed) and “dry” (levee-protected) areas of the Sacramento Valley within the project boundary.

wet_dry area_name source geometry
Dry NA Daniel Fehringer (DU) POLYGON ((6623854 2379216, …
Dry NA Daniel Fehringer (DU) POLYGON ((6735708 2143171, …
Dry NA Daniel Fehringer (DU) POLYGON ((6645812 2284995, …
Dry NA Daniel Fehringer (DU) POLYGON ((6674774 2180693, …
Dry NA Daniel Fehringer (DU) POLYGON ((6482270 2236010, …
ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data=ff_wetdry, aes(fill=wet_dry, color=wet_dry)) 

Finally, the ff_aoi layer is the project analysis boundary, for reference.

ggplot() + 