Calculates invertebrate mass (kg) based on field acreage. Requires input of the fields data frame with area_ac attribute. Returns the data frame with additional columns for calculated values. Can be chained with pipes.

ff_calc_inv_mass(df, day)



An sf dataset, such as the provided dataframe ff_fields, which includes an attribute area_ac containing the field area in acres. Also works with an ordinary data.frame or tibble.


The day number for which to calculate the invertebrate mass. If not provided, then only a daily mass is calculated.


# calculate the invertebrate mass after 14 days for each field
ff_fields |> ff_calc_inv_mass(14)
#> Simple feature collection with 9628 features and 9 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 6478160 ymin: 1939404 xmax: 6762226 ymax: 2383039
#> Projected CRS: NAD83(2011) / California zone 2 (ftUS)
#> # A tibble: 9,628 × 10
#>    unique_id county elev_grp                           geometry group_id area_ac
#>  * <chr>     <chr>  <chr>            <POLYGON [US_survey_foot]> <chr>      <dbl>
#>  1 1103539   Glenn  90 to 100  ((6526707 2289953, 6526695 2289… 1802010…   23.4 
#>  2 1102849   Glenn  110 to 120 ((6517766 2307611, 6517767 2306… 1802010…   23.5 
#>  3 1103353   Glenn  120 to 130 ((6501679 2309168, 6501671 2309… 1802010…    1.06
#>  4 1103425   Glenn  120 to 130 ((6525986 2324730, 6525994 2324… 1802010…    1.34
#>  5 1103546   Glenn  70 to 80   ((6535820 2277869, 6535868 2277… 1802010…   48.9 
#>  6 1103560   Glenn  90 to 100  ((6499898 2267008, 6499909 2267… 1802010…   15.1 
#>  7 1103561   Glenn  90 to 100  ((6505757 2270476, 6504556 2270… 1802010…   34.7 
#>  8 1103563   Glenn  100 to 110 ((6544553 2330567, 6544584 2330… 1802010…   24.9 
#>  9 1103564   Glenn  120 to 130 ((6529293 2334151, 6529890 2334… 1802010…   74.7 
#> 10 1103566   Glenn  100 to 110 ((6551712 2337179, 6552789 2337… 1802010…   56.0 
#> # ℹ 9,618 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: volume_af <dbl>, area_m2 <dbl>, daily_prod_kg <dbl>,
#> #   total_prod_kg <dbl>