A data frame containing the results of the FlowWest analysis of flow distances to the nearest salmonid rearing stream. Intended to be joined to the fields dataset.



An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 9628 rows and 11 columns.


Skyler Lewis, Bethany Hackenjos, FlowWest, 2023.


  • unique_id = the unique identifier of the rice field as defined in the original CNRA dataset

  • return_id = the return point from the returns dataset used in the distance calculation for this rice field, as determined based on watershed in which the field is located. For watersheds with a return_id of zero, fields are assumed to flow laterally into the nearest major stream rather than via the return point

  • ds_fbs_dist = for fields flowing into "Indirect" return points, this is the downstream flow distance from the return point to the nearest salmonid rearing stream, else zero

  • return_dis = linear distance from the centroid of the rice field to the return point (or laterally to the nearest salmonid rearing stream)

  • return_rec = rectangular grid distance from the centroid of the rice field to the return point (or laterally to the nearest salmonid rearing stream)

  • totdist_ft = total distance from the rice field to the nearest salmonid rearing stream, calculated via ds_fbs_dist + return_dis using linear distances

  • totrect_ft = total distance from the rice field to the nearest salmonid rearing stream, calculated via ds_fbs_dist + return_rec using rectangular grid distances

  • totdist_mi = totdist_ft converted to miles

  • totrect_mi = totrect_ft converted to miles

  • wet_dry = of the rice field as on theidentifier wet or dry side of the levee


#> # A tibble: 6 × 11
#>   unique_id return_id ds_fbs_dist return_dis totdist_ft totdist_mi fbs_name     
#>   <chr>         <dbl>       <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>        
#> 1 1103539          49     261359.     41551.     302910       57.4 Lower-mid Sa…
#> 2 1102849          49     261359.     60092.     321452       60.9 Lower-mid Sa…
#> 3 1103353          49     261359.     69094.     330454       62.6 Lower-mid Sa…
#> 4 1103425          50     266763.     69577.     336340       63.7 Lower-mid Sa…
#> 5 1103546          50     266763.     21440.     288203       54.6 Lower-mid Sa…
#> 6 1103560          49     261359.     41578.     302937       57.4 Lower-mid Sa…
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: totrect_ft <dbl>, totrect_mi <dbl>, return_rec <dbl>,
#> #   wet_dry <chr>