This sf dataset contains the point locations of outlets for return flow from rice field drainage networks into adjacent canals or streams.



An object of class sf (inherits from tbl_df, tbl, data.frame) with 38 rows and 10 columns.


Bethany Hackenjos, Aidan Kelleher, Skyler Lewis, FlowWest, 2023.


This dataset contains a combination of pump export locations and apparent watershed drainage network points. Pump export locations were obtained from multiple sources, including, reclamation districts, irrigation and drainage districts, and Trout Unlimited. The remainder of the locations were digitized by FlowWest using a combination of aerial imagery, drainage network and watershed information, and professional judgement.

  • return_id = the unique identifier of the return point

  • return_name = the name of the return for identification

  • return_direct = "Direct" if directly connected to a salmonid rearing stream, else "Indirect"

  • water_sup = the apparent water supply of the return

  • ds_return_id = for Indirect returns, the return_id of the downstream return that this return flows into, else the identifier of this same return if it directly flows into a salmonid rearing stream. (i.e., if the return is on a salmonid rearing stream, the return_id and ds_return_id will be identical. If the point of return is in a canal or secondary drainage, upstream of salmonid rearing stream, this number will identify the location at which this secondary drainage enters a fish bearing stream.)

  • ds_fbs_dist = for Indirect returns, the distance from this return to the downstream return to a salmonid rearing stream, else zero

  • ds_fbs_name = name of the salmonid rearing stream that the return drains directly or indirectly into

  • area_ac_drained = total area of rice field polygons draining into this return point, calculated in acres

  • volume_af_drained = total inundated volume of rice fields draining into this return point, assuming 5 inches of water


#> Simple feature collection with 6 features and 9 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 6600611 ymin: 1826703 xmax: 6674516 ymax: 2151073
#> Projected CRS: NAD83(2011) / California zone 2 (ftUS)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 10
#>   return_name           return_id water_sup ds_return_id ds_fbs_dist ds_fbs_name
#>   <chr>                     <int> <chr>            <int>       <dbl> <chr>      
#> 1 Sacramento River Dee…         1 NA                   1           0 North Delta
#> 2 Sankey Diversion              9 Natomas …            9           0 Lower-mid …
#> 3 Knights Landing Outf…        10 Colusa B…           10           0 Lower-mid …
#> 4 Rough and Ready Pump…        11 NA                  11           0 Lower-mid …
#> 5 Drainage Pumping Pla…        12 Unidenti…           12           0 Upper-mid …
#> 6 Karnak Drainage Faci…        16 Unidenti…           16           0 Lower-mid …
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: geometry <POINT [US_survey_foot]>, return_direct <chr>,
#> #   area_ac <dbl>, volume_af <dbl>
