This sf dataset contains watershed polygons used to group rice fields and organize flow patterns. Based on HUC10 watersheds, but split in some cases where necessary.



An object of class sf (inherits from tbl_df, tbl, data.frame) with 47 rows and 8 columns.


Developed by Bethany Hackenjos, FlowWest, 2023, based on USGS NHD/Watershed Boundary Dataset.


  • group_id = the unique identifier of the watershed group, which is based on the HUC10

  • return_id = the corresponding unique identifier of the return point, used to join to the returns dataset. For watersheds with a return_id of zero, fields are assumed to flow laterally into the nearest major stream rather than via the return point.

  • huc10 = the original HUC10 identifier from the NHD dataset

  • watershed_name = the original HUC10 common name from the NHD dataset

  • area_ac_within = total area of rice field polygons contained in this watershed, calculated in acres

  • volume_af_within = total inundated volume of rice fields contained in this watershed, assuming 5 inches of water


#> Simple feature collection with 6 features and 7 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 6581829 ymin: 2063749 xmax: 6830935 ymax: 2352419
#> Projected CRS: NAD83(2011) / California zone 2 (ftUS)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 8
#>   group_id     huc10      watershed_name     return_id                  geometry
#>   <chr>        <chr>      <chr>                  <int> <POLYGON [US_survey_foot>
#> 1 1802015901   1802015901 Honcut Creek               0 ((6723475 2313975, 67235…
#> 2 1802015902   1802015902 Upper Feather Riv…        14 ((6693728 2351561, 66937…
#> 3 1802015903   1802015903 Hutchinson Creek-…        51 ((6753204 2200420, 67534…
#> 4 1802015904-N 1802015904 Gilsizer Slough-S…        58 ((6668665 2188306, 66550…
#> 5 1802015905   1802015905 Lower Feather Riv…         0 ((6676057 2172657, 66749…
#> 6 1802016101   1802016101 Auburn Ravine             55 ((6818743 2102685, 68189…
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: return_category <chr>, area_ac <dbl>, volume_af <dbl>
