This sf dataset contains polygons identifying which parts of the Sacramento Valley, within the project area, are behind levees ("dry") or directly exposed to rivers or floodways ("wet")



An object of class sf (inherits from tbl_df, tbl, data.frame) with 125 rows and 4 columns.


Aidan Kelleher, Bethany Hackenjos, FlowWest, 2023, compiled from data from Ducks Unlimited and others.


  • wet_dry = identifier of the enclosed area as "wet" or "dry"

  • area_name = name given to the area defined by the polygon

  • source = source of the polygon and determination of hydrology (wet or dry)


#> Simple feature collection with 6 features and 3 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 6474596 ymin: 2028968 xmax: 6766993 ymax: 2447911
#> Projected CRS: NAD83(2011) / California zone 2 (ftUS)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#>   wet_dry area_name source                                              geometry
#>   <chr>   <chr>     <chr>                             <POLYGON [US_survey_foot]>
#> 1 Dry     NA        Daniel Fehringer (DU) ((6623854 2379216, 6623853 2379008, 6…
#> 2 Dry     NA        Daniel Fehringer (DU) ((6735708 2143171, 6735731 2143223, 6…
#> 3 Dry     NA        Daniel Fehringer (DU) ((6645812 2284995, 6645847 2285050, 6…
#> 4 Dry     NA        Daniel Fehringer (DU) ((6674774 2180693, 6674794 2180737, 6…
#> 5 Dry     NA        Daniel Fehringer (DU) ((6482270 2236010, 6482264 2236056, 6…
#> 6 Dry     NA        Daniel Fehringer (DU) ((6626920 2234118, 6626914 2234118, 6…
