In this article I explore groundwater elevation trends, we are interested in exploring elevation differences by water year. We will focus only on wells that have had recent measurements. Ultimately we would like to develop confidence intervals for elevation change based on the characteristics of a water year.
We will focus on wells where a groundwater elevation was reported for 2018. This results in 23 candiate wells for analysis. This number will be smaller as we seek to make comparison across years.
Here I look at the change of elevation in one year. Here are the assumptions and requirements for this analysis:
How the difference is calcualted
The difference is calculated by subtracting the “start year” (smaller of the years) from the “end year”. This means that a positive value indicates elevation increase and a negative value indicates elevation decrease. When looking at the plot, a point on 1980 shows the difference between 1979 and 1980. Lastly this subtraction is done on each well, so when looking the plot a single point shows the difference between two years at an individual site code. We can see the spread of the difference values for a given year by focusing on one year on the x-axis and observing the range of values on the y-axis.
Here I color code the points by the water year type of the end year. That is, when looking at the year 1980 the value indicates the difference between wells from 1979 to 1980 but the color shows the water year type for 1980. No obvious patterns appear in the data. I instead switch to looking at the distribution of elvetaion changes for each of the water year types.
With the water years attached we can do some statistics using these as categorical variables. We are mainly interested in significant differences in elevation change as a result of the water year types. In order to do so we need to have enough samples from the each of the water year types.
Year Type Representation
Year Type | Total | Percent of data (%) |
Critical | 82 | 15 |
Dry | 121 | 22 |
Below Normal | 86 | 15 |
Above Normal | 82 | 15 |
Wet | 184 | 33 |
Most of the data is from either a Wet or Dry year, but we do have enough samples each of the other water years.
In this section I analyze the distribution of elevation change between the water year types. In particular we are interested in answering the following questions:
Several assumptions must be met before we develop statistical test
In this section I explore the differences between the elevation changes across the different water year types. We want to be able to state whether the distributions shown in the boxplots below are significantly different from one another.
The plan here is to use two sample test to check for significant differences. There are several assumtpions that need to be satisfied in order for this analysis to be valid, we check these below.
Assumption checks
From the boxplot we can see that the elevation change across all of the water year types are at least symmetrical. There might be some issues from the detected outliers. I apply the Shapiro test to check for normality before and after removing outliers.
Water Year Type | Total Sample | Total Outliers Detected | Test with Removed Outliers | Test on Full Sample |
Critical | 82 | 8 | TRUE | FALSE |
Dry | 121 | 16 | TRUE | FALSE |
Below Normal | 86 | 8 | TRUE | FALSE |
Above Normal | 82 | 10 | TRUE | FALSE |
Wet | 184 | 22 | FALSE | FALSE |
From the above results we can see that none of the elevation change distrubtions (that include the outliers) can be assumed to be normally distributed. When we remove the outliers, counted under the Total Outliers Detected column, then most of the Water Year types can be considered normally distribute, with the exception of the Above Normal elevation changes.
Wet Year vs Dry Year
Wet Year vs Critical Year
Wet or Above Normal vs Critical, Dry or Below Normal
#> [1] 38
#> Shapiro-Wilk normality test
#> data: dry_types_to_wet[!dry_types_to_wet$is_outlier_for_dry_to_wet, ]$difference
#> W = 0.98713, p-value = 0.9334
#> Shapiro-Wilk normality test
#> data: wet_vals
#> W = 0.98145, p-value = 0.0286
#> One Sample t-test
#> data: dry_types_to_wet[!dry_types_to_wet$is_outlier_for_dry_to_wet, ]$difference
#> t = 5.3732, df = 37, p-value = 2.216e-06
#> alternative hypothesis: true mean is greater than 0
#> 95 percent confidence interval:
#> 2.318021 Inf
#> sample estimates:
#> mean of x
#> 3.378947
#> One Sample t-test
#> data: wet_vals
#> t = 5.5598, df = 161, p-value = 5.498e-08
#> alternative hypothesis: true mean is greater than 0
#> 95 percent confidence interval:
#> 1.139388 Inf
#> sample estimates:
#> mean of x
#> 1.622037
#> Welch Two Sample t-test
#> data: wet_vals and dry_types_to_wet[!dry_types_to_wet$is_outlier_for_dry_to_wet, wet_vals and ]$difference
#> t = -2.5344, df = 54.066, p-value = 0.01419
#> alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
#> 95 percent confidence interval:
#> -3.1467079 -0.3671128
#> sample estimates:
#> mean of x mean of y
#> 1.622037 3.378947