Create Duration Suitability Rating Curve for a streamgage
habitat_type = "rearing",
run = "fall",
wy_group = "Dry",
gradient = "Valley Foothill"
Three-letter CDEC identifier for the streamgage
Either "rearing" (default) or "spawning"
One of "fall" (default), "late fall", "winter", "spring", or "steelhead"
Either "Dry" or "Wet" for water year type scenario
For rearing, either "Valley Foothill" (default) or "Valley Lowland"
A tibble
with columns for flow (flow_cfs
) and duration habitat suitability index (durhsi
habitat_drc("FSB", habitat_type="rearing", gradient = "Valley Foothill")
#> # A tibble: 150 x 2
#> flow_cfs durhsi
#> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 100 0.66
#> 2 200 0.66
#> 3 300 0.66
#> 4 400 0.66
#> 5 500 0.66
#> 6 600 0.66
#> 7 700 0.66
#> 8 800 0.66
#> 9 900 0.66
#> 10 1000 0.66
#> # i 140 more rows