Suitable Habitat FunctionsMain functions for accessing habitat suitability estimates (model outputs) for a particular reach/mainstem/watershed |
Predict Habitat Area using a Flow-to-Suitable-Area Curve |
Create Flow-To-Suitable-Area Curve for Reach, Mainstem, or Watershed |
Create Flow-To-Suitable-Area-Curve for Individual Reach (unscaled) |
Create Flow-To-Suitable-Area Curve for Individual Reach (scaled by multiplier) |
Create Duration Suitability Rating Curve for a streamgage |
Create Duration Suitability Rating Curve for a streamgage (scaled to prediction point by drainage area and precipitation) |
Create Flow-To-Suitable-Area Curve (with Duration HSI applied) for Reach, Mainstem, or Watershed |
Create Flow-To-Suitable-Area Curve (with Duration HSI applied) for Reach |
DatasetsPackaged datasets including geometries, attributes, and habitat suitability estimates (model outputs) for all reaches/mainstems/watersheds |
NHD Flowline (ComID) Attributes |
NHD Flowline (ComID) Geometries |
NHD Flowline (ComID) Geometries - Projected |
NHD Flowline (ComID) Spawning Suitability Flags |
Suitable Habitat Area per Linear Ft by ComID by Flow (training dataset) |
Suitable Habitat Area per Linear Ft by ComID by Flow (training dataset, interpolated) |
Suitable Habitat Area per Linear Ft by ComID by Flow (predicted by statistical model) |
Suitable Habitat Area per Linear Ft by CV Mainstem by Flow (predicted by statistical model) |
Suitable Habitat Area/LF by CV Watershed by Flow (predicted by statistical model) |
CVPIA Mainstems (geometry) |
Flow Area Crosswalk for CV Mainstems |
CVPIA Watersheds (geometry) |
Flow Area Crosswalk for CV Watersheds |
HQT Valley Lowland Polygon |
CDEC Mainstem Streamgage Attributes |
CDEC Mainstem Streamgage Drainage Area Attributes |
CDEC Mainstem Streamgage Duration Rating Curves |
CDEC Mainstem Streamgage Point Geometries |
Suitability Criteria FunctionsSupporting functions for assembling the training dataset and calculating depth/velocity suitability criteria |
Calculate HSI for each row of SRH-2D results |
Vector Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) function: HQT |
Vector Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) function: LYR |
Vector Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) function: Fall-Run Chinook Spawning |
Import tabular SRH-2D results |
Prep SRH-2D mesh, assigning groups and calculating areas |
Summarize habitat suitability for SRH-2D results |
Raster Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) function: HQT |
Raster Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) function: LYR |
Raster Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) function: Fall-Run Chinook Spawning |
Calculate First Inundating Flow |
Prep depth and velocity raster stacks |
Calculate HSI based on HEC-RAS 2D rasters |
Velocity suitability criteria for spawning by run |
Flowline length helper function: Extract NHD flowlines that correspond to groups and calculate length |
Postprocessor for both SRH-2D and HEC-RAS results, applying linear ft normalization by group |
Duration Time Series FunctionsSupporting functions for processing time series data and calculating/applying duration suitability criteria |
Apply Duration HSI to Flow-to-Suitable-Area Curve |
Calculate Days Inundated |
Rearing Duration HSI for Valley Foothill |
Rearing Duration HSI for Valley Lowland |
Spawning Duration HSI |
Remove Baseflow via Flow Threshold (Single) |
Remove Baseflow via Flow Threshold (Multiple) |
Split Flow-to-Suitable-Area Curve at Flow Threshold (Helper Function) |
Split Flow-to-Suitable-Area Curve at Flow Threshold |
UtilitiesSupporting functions for data analysis and spatial processing |
Simple Linear Interpolation |
Simple Power Series Interpolation |
Glimpse plot |
Download Data from Google Drive |
Parse CDEC CSV |
Retrieve CDEC CSV |
Spatial coalesce |
Spatial identity |
Morphological closing for vector polygon geometry (eliminate scraps) |
Morphological opening for vector polygon geometry (eliminate holes) |
Perpendicular Transect (helper function for perpendicular_transects) |
Create Perpendicular Transects from Line |
ConstantsConstants used across the package back-end |
Project CRS |