Import tabular SRH-2D results

  units = "ft",
  units_xy = units,
  units_z = units,
  has_vid_col = FALSE



A data frame or tibble containing the file path to each CSV containing SRH-2D model results in the standard SRH-2D export format (columns for vertex id optional, X coordinate, Y coordinate, Z coordinate, WSE, depth, velocity X component, velocity Y component, velocity magnitude, froude number, and shear stress). There should be a numeric column called flow_cfs and a character column called filename containing valid file paths to the CSV corresponding to each flow.


A string indicating units of ft or m


A string indicating horizontal coordinate units of ft or m. Defaults to units if not separately specified.


A string indicating vertical coordinate units of ft or m. Defaults to units if not separately specified.


Boolean indicating whether or not there is already a vertex id (vid) column in the CSV. If FALSE, one will be generated based on the row number.


A tbl_df data frame containing all SRH-2D model results at all flows with standard column names, one row per vertex per flow.