Create Flow-To-Suitable-Area Curve (with Duration HSI applied) for Reach
habitat_type = "rearing",
units = "ft",
run = "fall",
wy_group = "Dry",
gradient = "Valley Foothill"
Integer comid
identifier for reach
Three-letter CDEC identifier for the streamgage
Either "rearing" or "spawning"
Desired units for output, either "ft" for square ft per linear ft, or "ac" for total acres
One of "fall" (default), "late fall", "winter", "spring", or "steelhead"
Either "Dry" or "Wet" for water year type scenario
For rearing, either "Valley Foothill" (default) or "Valley Lowland"
A tibble
with columns for flow (flow_cfs
) and suitable habitat (habitat
habitat_fsa_duration_reach(reach = 7978069, streamgage = "FSB")
#> Error in approx(x = fsa_weighted$q, xout = fsa$flow_cfs, y = fsa_weighted$durwua, rule = 2:2, na.rm = F): need at least two non-NA values to interpolate