Prep SRH-2D mesh, assigning groups and calculating areas

  group_polygons = NULL,
  mask_polygons = NULL,
  .group_var = comid,
  .id_var = vid



An sf polygon feature collection with one polygon for each vertex (computation point) identified by a vid attribute. These may be Voronoi (aka Thiessen) polygons generated based on vertex points in a tool such as sf (st_voronoi), QGIS (Voronoi Polygons), or ArcGIS (Create Thiessen Polygons).


An sf polygon feature collection with one polygon for each analysis reach. These may have been delineated previously by splitting the hydraulic model domain into subsections.


Optional: An sf polygon feature collection defining areas to be masked out of the HSI calculation. These areas will still be included in the total inundated area.


The unquoted name of the attribute used to identify groups in the group_polygons layer. Defaults to comid


The unquoted name of the attribute used to identify vertices in the mesh layer. Defaults to vid


A tbl_df with one row per vertex (computation point), including the vertex id (e.g. vid), the associated group id (e.g. comid), and the area of the polygon in square feet.